- First, since the schema is so large, there are a few places where there are duplicate element names.
- Second, since the schema was not developed with jaxb in mind, there are a few element names (such as 'class') that are not legal in java.
After a few quick steps, the schema tool is ready to go:
1. Download the schema(s) that you want to use from opentravel.org and drop it in the ota-schema-zip-files directory:

2. Edit the ota.xsd file in the ota-schema-tools/config/2008A directory to include only the schema you will need (or leave it alone to compile all the schema). For example, here I only want to use the OTA_Ping messages:

3. Run the schema tool:
If jaxb is not in your classpath, you will need to tell ant where it is with the -Djaxb.home=/location-of-jaxb-home flag. Also, if you are compiling a lot of schemas, you will have to set the ANT_OPTS=javac-options property. Here is what I type:
ota-schema-tools> export ANT_OPTS=-Xmx512m ota-schema-tools> ant -Djaxb.home=/usr/local/java/web/glassfish/ dist
When I run this command I get the error: OTA_TourInformation.xsd and OTA_RailAvailRS.xsd is not a part of this compilation.
No problem. The jaxb configuration file is set up to fix problems in the entire schema. Just remove these lines from the ota-schema-tools/config/2008A/jaxb/binding.xjb file:

I deleted these highlighted lines. Now run this line again from your command prompt:
ant -Djaxb.home=/usr/local/java/web/glassfish/ dist
Voila! Your schema are compiled and neatly packaged in a opentravel2008a.jar file.
Now that wasn't that hard, was it!

I've tried to download the OTA tools project but in sourceforge there is no file uploaded.
Do you know where I can find that software to download ?
Thanks a lot.
For now, you will have to go to http://ota-tools.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ota-tools/
and click on 'Download GNU tarball'.
If you are using linux, you probably know how to untar an archive, if you are using windows, just google 'untar windows' for a list of utilities that can 'unzip' the archive.
I will try to get the ota-tools project admin to post a zip file.
I'm trying to create the schema api 2005B. I've also tested with the 2006A and 2008A (your example), but they always give me errors.
Can you help?
These are, after following your instructions, errors 2008A scheme:
[echo] /usr/java/jaxb"
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138 [Evento Tools, nuevo api OTA]/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build/2008A/temp/jaxb/src
[echo] Compiling the schema...
[xjc] Compiling file:/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138%20[Evento%20Tools,%20nuevo%20api%20OTA]/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build/2008A/temp/jaxb/schema/ota.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] Property "Value" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict.
[xjc] line 1011 of file:/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138%20%5BEvento%20Tools,%20nuevo%20api%20OTA%5D/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build/2008A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_SimpleTypes.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
[xjc] line 489 of file:/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138%20%5BEvento%20Tools,%20nuevo%20api%20OTA%5D/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build/2008A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_RailAvailRS.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] Property "Duration" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict.
[xjc] line 165 of file:/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138%20%5BEvento%20Tools,%20nuevo%20api%20OTA%5D/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build/2008A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_TourInformation.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
[xjc] line 355 of file:/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138%20%5BEvento%20Tools,%20nuevo%20api%20OTA%5D/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build/2008A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_CommonTypes.xsd
[xjc] failure in the XJC task. Use the Ant -verbose switch for more details
/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138 [Evento Tools, nuevo api OTA]/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build.xml:87: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138 [Evento Tools, nuevo api OTA]/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build.xml:37: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138 [Evento Tools, nuevo api OTA]/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build.xml:24: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138 [Evento Tools, nuevo api OTA]/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/buildspec.xml:190: unable to parse the schema. Error messages should have been provided
I'm trying to create the schema api 2005B. I've also tested with the 2006A and 2008A (your example), but they always give me errors.
Can you help?
These are, after following your instructions, errors 2008A scheme:
[echo] /usr/java/jaxb"
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138 [Evento Tools, nuevo api OTA]/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build/2008A/temp/jaxb/src
[echo] Compiling the schema...
[xjc] Compiling file:/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138%20[Evento%20Tools,%20nuevo%20api%20OTA]/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build/2008A/temp/jaxb/schema/ota.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] Property "Value" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict.
[xjc] line 1011 of file:/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138%20%5BEvento%20Tools,%20nuevo%20api%20OTA%5D/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build/2008A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_SimpleTypes.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
[xjc] line 489 of file:/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138%20%5BEvento%20Tools,%20nuevo%20api%20OTA%5D/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build/2008A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_RailAvailRS.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] Property "Duration" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict.
[xjc] line 165 of file:/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138%20%5BEvento%20Tools,%20nuevo%20api%20OTA%5D/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build/2008A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_TourInformation.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
[xjc] line 355 of file:/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138%20%5BEvento%20Tools,%20nuevo%20api%20OTA%5D/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build/2008A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_CommonTypes.xsd
[xjc] failure in the XJC task. Use the Ant -verbose switch for more details
/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138 [Evento Tools, nuevo api OTA]/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build.xml:87: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138 [Evento Tools, nuevo api OTA]/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build.xml:37: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138 [Evento Tools, nuevo api OTA]/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/build.xml:24: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/arfernandez/Documents/incidencias/138 [Evento Tools, nuevo api OTA]/ota-tools/trunk/java/ota-schema-tools/buildspec.xml:190: unable to parse the schema. Error messages should have been provided
The error you are getting is due to a problem in the design of the open travel schema. You should not get an error if you build the schema using the ant script in the ota-tools site. The ant script does an xsl transformation that fixes this problem before running the jaxb tool.
True, I have solved it as you indicate.
Another mistake I had was related to the jaxb-api.jar version. I had to use the version of May 2005, for more recent versions XmlElementRef indicated that the method was not "required".
Thank you very much for your reply. Your post I have been helpful.
Greetings from Spain :)
Hi, I don't see build.xml from which to run the tool.
Hi, I don't see build.xml from which to run the tool.
Hi, I don't see build.xml from which to run the tool.
The build.xml file is in the git repository on sourceforge. You can clone the repository by typing:
git clone git://ota-tools.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/ota-tools/ota-tools
If you are looking for java bindings for the opentravel schema, I would recommend using the bindings in the jibx schema library, here:
Hope this helps!
hi, i followed your steps but instead of glassfish i put tomcat then t got Build successful,
but i don't know where can i find the generated jar file
Try to use jaxb instead of glassfish. Download jaxb and enter the path to your jaxb installation:
ant -Djaxb.home=/path/to/jaxb/ dist
I hope this helps!
[unzip] Expanding: /home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/ota-schema-zip-files/OTA2013A_Publication.zip into /home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build/2013A/temp/unzip
[xslt] Transforming into /home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build/2013A/temp/jaxb/schema
[echo] Compiling the schema...
[xjc] Compiling file:/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build/2013A/temp/jaxb/schema/ota.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] Property "Value" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict.
[xjc] line 1830 of file:/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build/2013A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_Lists.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
[xjc] line 6790 of file:/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build/2013A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_CommonTypes.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] Property "Value" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict.
[xjc] line 1846 of file:/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build/2013A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_Lists.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
[xjc] line 7590 of file:/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build/2013A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_CommonTypes.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] Property "Value" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict.
[xjc] line 1846 of file:/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build/2013A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_Lists.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
[xjc] line 5818 of file:/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build/2013A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_CommonTypes.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] Property "Value" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict.
[xjc] line 1846 of file:/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build/2013A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_Lists.xsd
[xjc] [ERROR] The following location is relevant to the above error
[xjc] line 5727 of file:/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build/2013A/temp/jaxb/schema/OTA_CommonTypes.xsd
[xjc] failure in the XJC task. Use the Ant -verbose switch for more details
/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build.xml:92: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build.xml:33: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/build.xml:24: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/vinit/Docs/Hotel/ota-xsd/ota-schema-tools/buildspec.xml:190: unable to parse the schema. Error messages should have been provided
config/binding.xjb for 2013A
Kindly help me
Thank you.
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